          Man needs to know that Sex is his Sin, not his Duty Therefore, a husband or 吳哥窟 買屋a man must not ever have sex 代償with his wife or his girl friend unless he is really fall seoing in love with her, because only Love can overcome his sin. That how h G2000e has to do the duty to kill her immediately after he had sex with her and found out that she cannot be l 酒店經紀oved by him like he expected and/or he supposed and/or used to.Man needs to know that Sex is his Sin, not his Duty, t 酒店打工hat how Bible said "世人都犯了罪", because if he really make love with her, she would not ever be pregnant. That how you know how to read and writ 網路行銷e, you must not be allowed to give birth.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 節能燈具  .

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